What is the Average Student-to-Faculty Ratio at Universities in Panama City, Florida?

When it comes to universities in Panama City, Florida, the average student-to-faculty ratio is quite impressive. In public universities across the state, the ratio stands at 17:1, while private schools boast a ratio of 14:1. On a school level, the student-to-teacher ratio is four. At Florida State University (FSU) Panama City, students are particularly appreciative of their practical teachers.

In fact, 100% of teachers at FSU Panama City receive above average or excellent grades from their students. Additionally, nearly 20% of undergraduate and graduate students at the State University of Panama are studying civil engineering, computer science, and electrical and computer sciences. FSU Panama City is a higher education institution that serves third, last year and graduate university students. It attracts a diverse group of students who have different professional and academic goals in mind.

As a branch of Florida State University (FSU) in Tallahassee, FSU Panama City offers unique program options and resources that focus on the pressing social and economic needs of the region and beyond. The Panama City Division Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC-PCD) recently organized a crime scene in Tampa Bay and invited the UCSI program to participate in the exercise. As a result, FSU Panama City has received significant grants and donations that improve key areas of study and provide scholarships. College Factual analyzes more than 2,000 colleges and universities in its annual ranking and ranks them based on various criteria such as diversity, overall quality, best for non-traditional students, etc.

By taking a market-driven educational approach, FSU Panama City fosters partnerships with major Florida employers from tourism to defense to meet workforce requirements.

Eloise Feleppa
Eloise Feleppa

Award-winning food nerd. Certified beer fanatic. Total bacon expert. Certified pop culture enthusiast. Total beer geek.

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